Reframing Your Thinking Around Recruitment
Whilst the economic backdrop remains tough, many companies are still looking to scale but business leaders tell us that their hiring efforts are hampered by escalating costs, inconsistent results and a chronic skills shortage that’s set to continue.
So, in this tough environment, are you open to reframing your thinking around recruitment?
If this resonates with you, maybe it’s time to think more strategically about your approach to talent acquisition?
We’ve seen seismic changes in the jobs market as post-pandemic many of us started to reassess our working lives on several levels. Employers have responded quickly by providing more flexible options for their staff and improve engagement levels.
Reshaping the recruitment landscape
At the same time, we’ve also noticed a knock-on effect in the recruitment world with new challenger models emerging offering innovative and flexible alternatives to the traditional agency structure.
For most businesses, historically it’s been a case of either recruiting in-house or engaging an external recruitment agency to widen the available talent pool. Both can work well but there are inherent flaws that need to be considered. Another option is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (‘RPO’) which is less understood but has gained traction mostly at enterprise level.
Full-blown RPO hasn’t really been regarded as a viable option for start-ups or SMEs mainly because of the added layers of complexity and associated costs combined with a more entrenched approach that isn’t right for many smaller businesses.
In response, what we’re now beginning to see is the emergence of crossover subscription-based models. This is all about democratising the availability of end-to-end outsourced recruitment expertise and processes at a price point within the reach of founder-led start-ups and high growth SMEs.
So called recruitment-on-subscription is a much more agile and collaborative way of working. Which aims to address your hiring challenges rather than just filling a role – think of it as a ‘plug and play’ partnership that can make a real difference strategically.
Building a compelling business case
That said, we understand that the decision to outsource can be a difficult one, so a robust business case is essential to ensure that the key stakeholders across the business are fully aligned. There are essentially three key elements to consider:
- Defining the business need for outsourcing your recruitment activities
- Ensuring all stakeholders have a shared view and fully support the decision to outsource
- Determining the benefits, calculating the ROI, and identifying the risks
To assist you in surfacing the key issues and begin to design a more effective solution that tackles your hiring problems, we have put together a comprehensive buyer’s guide that aims to challenge your current thinking.
Look out for Rethinking Recruitment: A buyers guide to selecting the right partner to manage your outsourced recruitment needs which will be available early in the New Year.