Next up in our series of ‘meet the team’ blogs is Kim.  

Kim is one of the newer members of the The Outsourced Recruitment Company team, having joined us in June this year. With over 11 years of marketing experience under her belt, she is helping us to fly the employer branding flag. As we’ve always said, recruitment isn’t HR, it’s marketing!  

Whilst with her former employer, Kim worked with us on several projects, so we knew she would be a great fit for the team!  

Name Kim Draper 

Job title Employer Brand Consultant 

How long have you been with us and what attracted you to the role? 

I joined the team in June 2022, so I feel like I’m still quite new to the business. 

I’ve been marketing to consumers for over a decade, but I hadn’t thought about marketing to candidates and employees. After being made redundant for the second time in two years, I saw this role as a great opportunity to utilise my skills in a new sector and expand on my knowledge base. 

I have admired the The Outsourced Recruitment Company team for a while now, I wouldn’t use the term ‘stalker’ but I’m definitely up there in the list of top fans. Everything I saw on social media and heard from others gave me the impression that it’s a great place to work and I was right, it is! I had been waiting for the perfect role with them to arise and I feel so lucky it did.  

Outside of your role, what other things do you enjoy about work?  

The team are obviously a huge draw, from the moment I met them I instantly felt welcome. Sometimes starting a new job can make you feel a bit like an outsider, but this isn’t the case here. Lunches, cheeky office takeaways, away days, weekly catch ups, our team WhatsApp group chat and being in the office together, has really helped me to get to know everyone.  

As a mum to a toddler, the flexibility is great and really helps me to achieve a better work-life balance. After working remotely for almost two years, this role came at a great time – I love coming into the office and spending time with the team but appreciate my home working time too.  

We also have a great working environment. The office is beautiful, and Laura has made sure we have access to an assortment of drinks, snacks, stationery and essentials like sanitary wear. You feel really looked after, which is something I really value from an employer.  

If you could describe your work ethic in one word, what would it be and how do you apply this in your role? 

Passionate. I absolutely love what I do, it ignites that fire in my belly.  

We’ve all had it, that time when you wake in the night, or you are mid-shower, and you have an idea for work. Others may find it frustrating to have work thoughts during your downtime, but I absolutely love it, it excites me.  

Personally, I don’t think I could do a job that I didn’t feel passionately about.  

Outside of the workplace, what are we most likely to find you doing? 

Outside of work I can be found spending time with my little boy and husband. I’m incredibly family-oriented and spend a lot of time with all my family members.  

When adult life allows, I also like to catch up with friends for coffee or head out for dinner. I’m a bit of a foodie, so time with family or friends usually involves food or drink of some kind! 

When I get quiet time (aka, when my toddler is in bed), I like to binge boxsets, read and do sudoku puzzles.  

Tell us something interesting about you 

Before joining The Outsourced Recruitment Company, I took part in some PR activity for them which involved being interviewed by Journalist, Ben McGrail on ITV Westcountry. 

In fact, that was my third TV appearance to date! 

Finally, as animals are a big part of our lives at The Outsourced Recruitment Company, what’s your spirit animal and why? 

Definitely a cat! I have two cats and they live the life of luxury – a lot of sleeping and eating, what’s not to love?! 

I like to think I act like a cat on the hunt; I quietly assess everything around me and take all the information in, before coming forward when the time is right.