Next up in our meet the team series is Laura-Beth.
Known as LB to the team, LB works remotely from her home in Sheffield. Due to the distance, we don’t get to see her as often as we would like, so when we do get together it’s definitely cause for a celebration.
Joining us as a Recruiter at the beginning of 2021, it didn’t take long for LB’s hard work to pay off with a promotion to Senior Recruiter earlier this year. A true people person, LB is great at building and developing relationships with our clients and always looks out for the team.
Name – Laura-Beth Mackay, aka LB
Job title – Senior Recruiter
When did you start at The Outsourced Recruitment Company and what attracted you to the role?
I started in February 2021 and had worked for Laura previously on the contract that I left for this role. Working with Laura was and still is refreshing in so many ways, it was a no-brainer to take a role with OD.
I also love the recruitment model and the range of clients that we work with.
Outside of your role, what other things do you enjoy about work?
We have extremely trusting relationships with Laura and are therefore provided with a lot of autonomy within our day-to-day. I work exclusively from home and have worked this way from day dot, which provides me with a lot of flexibility in my personal life.
Laura also invests a lot into quality team days, where we can close our laptops and connect with the team. I really look forward to seeing everyone again and spending time with them.
If you could describe your work ethic in one word, what would it be and how do you apply this in your role?
I would say I am committed to each and every client or contract I work with. This means that I am committed to understanding the clients’ needs, what they’re looking for and how to support them in the very best way possible.
I apply this to my day to day, ensuring I commit myself to providing the very best solutions to the fantastic people that we work with.
Outside of the workplace, what are we most likely to find you doing?
It’ll be something food-related like cooking or eating out and walking our dog, Simba, with my partner. Although I have recently just taken up the gym and swimming again, so I should say you will find me there!
Tell us something interesting about you
I originally wanted to work as a criminal profiler or somewhere within the CJS, after studying Criminology, but found my vocation somewhere else 😊
Finally, as animals are a big part of our lives at The Outsourced Recruitment Company, what’s your spirit animal and why?
I would probably say I’m a bear as I love the outdoors and being in water, but also love to hibernate in the winter too!